
Hi Every­one, I’m off to Mil­wau­kee tomor­row morn­ing for the big BEAD AND BUTTON 2014 bead show! It’s sup­posed to be the largest bead show in the coun­try. My sis­ter, Melanie Ricks Ladd and I will be demon­strat­ing THE RICKS BEADING LOOM in The Bead­Smith booth. I’m sure we’ll be meet­ing many “RICKS LOOMATIKS” at […]

Ricks Loomatiks group photo

Ricks Loomatiks Morganville New Jersey

Greet­ings to Ricks Loomatiks every­where! As men­tioned ear­lier, we had a GREAT event at The Birds and The Beads shop in Mor­ganville, NJ. I received the pho­tos from the event and wanted post the group photo of all the won­der­ful Loomatiks there! We have three chap­ters of Loomatiks now and inquiries for more. (I promise […]


Jewel School Logo iso

Hi Every­body! I get the chance to appear on JTV’s LIVE nation­ally tele­vised JEWEL SCHOOL again this week. The show is Sun­day and Mon­day from 10 am to 12 noon (East­ern Time). I got the pro­duc­tion sched­ule yes­ter­day and my first seg­ment begins about 10:49 am. There will be another seg­ment between 11:45 and 12 […]

A “Loomarick” from the Loomatiks!

Ricks Loomatiks logo

At the big kick-off event for THE RICKS LOOMATIKS at The Birds and The Beads shop in Mor­ganville, NJ, I was pre­sented with a copy of a “Loomar­ick” (not a Lim­er­ick,  but a Loom­er­ick) writ­ten by a young man espe­cially for the occa­sion. I wanted to share it with you: There once was a man Mr. Ricks […]

The Ricks Loomatiks!

The Ricks Loomatiks logo

Hi Every­body, I’m get­ting ready to head off to New Jer­sey to install the char­ter for the found­ing chap­ter of THE RICKS LOOMATIKS! What are the Ricks Loomatiks? They are a group of peo­ple who own The Ricks Bead­ing Loom and get together on a reg­u­lar basis to bead on their looms and exchange ideas […]