We just completed six classes at Lodi’s Beads in Bosque Farms, NM. These were really great classes and I want to compliment the ladies at Lodi’s on their beading skills! They have been making some really nice pieces using off-loom techniques and now they can move on to making even more on The Ricks Beading Loom.
I can’t say enough about the hospitality shown me by not only by
Lodi and the staff (Pat and Alana), but by the students also. Many of them brought treats and snacks for us to munch on while we worked. Also, Lodi’s husband, Wayne, bought this really cool “Hat Cake” at an auction at the fair and brought it over for us. Of course they loaded me down with left-overs to take back to Colorado with me.
For those of you who may have already purchased a Ricks Beading Loom, you really should visit our Facebook group page at: www.facebook.com/groups/ricksbeadingloom. It’s a very active group and to take part in the group, just click “join” and I’ll approve your membership the next time I log on. YOU TOO CAN BE A “RICKS LOOMATIK”!
Here are a few of the pictures I took during the classes for you to take a look at.
July 31, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
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